Become the embodiment of love and change the world by simply being woman
Rebirth of the Feminine
Become the embodiment of love...
Welcome to the online portal to the divine feminine
At last, it is here. The program I have been getting ready for, for probably all my life. I am here to teach you how I embodied the feminine essence.
How I radiate love with a wide open heart without losing my boundaries.
How I influence a room by simply stepping into it.
How I am the channel to magic, visions and instinct.
How I am heard, held and seen by men with all of my truth. And all of my love.
How I retrieved my innocence and sexual power.
How I found my way to relating healthily after years of co-dependency.
How I trust my body, my intuition and my love without guilt or shame.
And how you can do the same.
Join me on this deep dive into your soul. It is an honor to guide you there.
Much love
The online Portal to the Feminine
22 days we dive deep within:
Every day a video about the divine feminine.
Community calls that go beyond the veils of time and space
Embodiment practices to change your inner world.
Powerful energy transmissions.
Personal guidance from me.
A Portal that is so powerful it will change your life
The portal opens the 24th of December 2022 and closes on the 14th of January 2023
To kick it off:
I am going to tell you my story on the 22nd of December
Join me for an evening of feminine magic on the 22nd of December. This night I will tell you my personal story of magic and love. Miracles I have experienced in the last year that are so magnificent and holy.
It is an energy transmission that connects you to the possibilities in life you don't deem possible. Let me be your living proof.
Join me for this magical evening on zoom or live in Zeist. 20.00 - 22.30 hrs.
You will learn how to...
Rebirth of the feminine - online portal
Being heard and held through Feminine expression
Getting to know the Oracle of your body
Believing in your visions and intuitions and living accordingly
The art of feminine surrender.
Open deeply to receive more love, gifts, miracles and synchronicities.
Return to your innocence and express your erotic power
Stop chasing men and becoming a magnet.
Reach your partner even when it seems impossible
communicate clearly and effortlessly coming from your feminine essence
The joy and juiciness of being a woman
So how does this work?
The portal opens from December 24th 2022 till January 14th 2023
This is not like any other online program where there is modules and lessons A-Z. No.
This is a portal. When you join, you enter an energy field.
22 days you receive a video about the divine feminine via a whatsappgroup or private instagram account.
Weihnachten community calls
24th-30st of December we meet every night at 22.00 on Zoom. During this time the Weihnachten, or smoke nights are very present. Meaning during this time the veil to the other ide is thin. It is in these days we let go of the old and envision the new year. It is during these nights that the feminine is so very present.
In the community calls I follow my intuition for what will happen: Ritual, Exercise, Q&A, embodiment practices and meditations are all possibilities. This call will last between 45 min-2 hours depending on the topic and the mood. Picture a intimate magical sisterhood circle that is palpable from your own living room.
New year community calls
In the new year we meet in the morning around 10.00/10.30
We do morning practices. Rituals, Q&A and we welcome the new year. The new energies.
Then the third week we have two more community calls. one in the morning. One in the evening around 20.30 hrs. By now the Weihnachten/smoke nights are over. This time is to integrate the work in everyday life.
Community calls:
Old year:
24th December 22.00
25th December 22.00
26th December 22.00
27th December 22.00
28th December 22.00
29th December 22.00
30th December 22.00
New year:
2nd of January 10.30
3rd of January 10.00
4th of January 10.00
5th of January 10.00
6th of January 10.00
8th of January New Years dip at Maarseveen
We round up the Weihnachten with a swim in the cold waters of the maarseveense plassen. If you can't join I encourage you to take a swim in body of water outdoors close to where you live. Wash off the old. Bring in the new. I will bring a ritual to encompany this practice.
Then the week after:
we have a Community call on Tuesday 10th January 20.00
and Saturday 14th at 13.00 for an online closing ceremony
Times may change due to intuition or changes in time tables.
Are you in?
This your chance to have a magnificent experience. And change your ways into the feminine.
Your investment is only € 111.- euro.
It will never be this low priced again.
This deep dive program includes
daily videos about the embodiment of the feminine, practices
A ton of Powerful Community calls with rituals, sharing, Q&A and more.
The new years dive at Maarsseveen
A personal whatsappgroup with me.
And most importantly the profound energetic field that we enter.
Live your divine feminine essence
Welcome to Rebirth of the feminine
A night to open up to the mysteries of the feminine powers. Open your body to receive. Love. Intuition.
This night I will tell my story of the past year. What 2022 brought me. In regards to my relationships. My relating to the masculine in particular. How I opened op to receive more than I have ever imagined from the masculine. By bringing truth. Real truth. Honesty and vulnerability in connection to the masculine.
I will tell you the story of how I confronted my father and my grandfather with things they did and did not do in my life. How they listened and how this changed everything in how I am relating.
I will tell you how I have been relating with men, two in particular this year. And how it brought me deep connection and love. And how it brought me visions. Intuition, believing and loving in myself in such a deep way.
I will tell you things that I have not told before and won't go live with online.
I believe that when we women relate to the masculine healthily. When we can truly receive them and when we are truly received by them, that this will change the world.
Because at last we are allowed to be who we are. Women. Cherished and held.
Over the past years I have learned a lot about the dynamics between man and woman.
I have embodied my power and my surrender into this truth. And found a way to be open to love on a whole new level.
Tonight I take you with me on this journey. To open you deeper into love.
I can't wait for this magical evening with you.
There is two ways you can attend. Live on a location in the city centre of Zeist.
Or join me from your own living room over Zoom.
I am here to inspire you, to show you how your feminine dreams and visions you see for this world are real and very necessary.
I am here to connect with all of you in a powerful container of women who desire the same thing as me.
which is: to be received for who we are: the embodiment of love.
Let's end this year big on love.
See you soon!
Innana Blessing
Practical information
Live and online event on Thursday 22md of December
20.00 hrs - 22.30 hrs.
(please arrive 15 min before so we can begin on time)
Live ticket: € 22,-
Online ticket € 33,-
Live location:
Karbonkel Zeist
Steynlaan 28, 3701 EG Zeist
please bring your own meditation cushion, blanket and if you feel like it some snacks to share
Or you attend online via zoom.
You receive a zoom link after purchase of your ticket. Please make sure you have a mirror ready to be used during the session.